Inspiring Future, Grand Challenge

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Introducing ChatGPT

ChatGPT as a Tool -

Student Use Cases

Although there are many opinions that ChatGPT poses a serious threat to the current education system, it may play a role in shifting educational paradigm in a leading way. SKKU plans to lead using AI ethically and productively by preparing new educational model adopted generative AI, rather than obsessing traditional models. We ask for your participation so that students can raise enthusiasm and efficiency of their learning by using ChatGPT and other AI tools, and think multidimensionally including critical evaluations.


I. How students can utilize ChatGPT


1. Asking questions
  • ChatGPT is a great tool for students to ask questions about specific topics and concepts anytime, anywhere. Students can ask questions about their course content, assignments, and general knowledge, and ChatGPT can provide answers to most of them.


2. Practicing writing skills
  • ChatGPT can improve students writing abilities by providing feedback on sentence structure and style in their writing, suggesting improvements where needed. Students can use ChatGPT to enhance the quality of their writing assignments or letter of self-introduction.


3. Research
  • ChatGPT can be a useful research tool for students, collecting information on specific topics and concepts. Stuents can verify various sources such as research papers and websites related to their research through ChatGPT.


4. Generating ideas.
  • When students need ideas for assignments or projects, ChatGPT can provide creative solutions.


5. Language learning
  • Students can improve their language skills through communication and correction processes with ChatGPT, which uses a diverse and refined language. They can also receive help in learning foreign languages by utilizing the translation and interpretation features, and learn various language expressions for different situations through generated conversation scenarios.


6. Writing programming code
  • ChatGPT can help with program development tasks using programming languages such as Python and Java. For example, if a student requests a Python code for video A collection, ChatGPT can provide the relevant code. Students can quickly and easily perform complex programming tasks using ChatGPT.


7. Creating illustrations
  • To create an image or illustration using AI, specific keywords are required. ChatGPT can help extract the right keywords for the desired image through conversation. Popular AI tools for creating illustrations with ChatGPT include "DALLE 2" and "Midjourney."



[Case study] 

According to a survey conducted by the Center for Teaching and Learning at Sungkyunkwan University, 558 students (69.8%) used ChatGPT for "asking and answering questions to understand difficult learning content," 517 students (64.6%) used it for "researching materials for assignments," and 345 students (43.1%) use it for "solving programming assignments" (April 24, 2023). Thus, it seems that students usualy utilize ChatGPT for searching difficult concepts, researching materials for their assignments, and solving programming assignments.


 It is unlikely that there are many students abuse ChatGPT for learning depending on ChatGPT. It is necessary to discuss educational use in AI and guide them how to use it in a correct way, rather than suspecting their assignments based solely on AI detection software. If ChatGPT abusing is suspected, professors should consider various factors, such as the student's class participation, previous assignments, and provide assistance through interviews or real-time re-evaluations to prevent unfairness.



II. Benefits and help ChatGPT brings to students


1. AI assistant accessible anytime, anywhere
  • One of the biggest advantages of ChatGPT is its accessibility without the constraints of time and space. ChatGPT serves as an academic support and guidance tool that students can ask for help whenever they face difficult assignments or have questions they want to ask quickly.


2. Personalized system based on learning records
  • ChatGPT is a software created based on machine learning algorithms that analyze learning records, offering personalized recommendations. Through this, each student can receive tailored learning support to improve their learning outcomes. As AI provides more customized answers, it can help learners grow into experts in their respective fields and increase their motivation to learn.


3. Fast answers to questions
  • ChatGPT is designed to provide answers to users' questions as quickly as possible. Students can seek help from ChatGPT anytime they need information on specific topics or need to understand difficult concepts.


4. Enhanced learning techniques and time management
  • ChatGPT minimizes unnecessary steps by providing strategic support for learning, such as information provision, which helps save time.


5. Access to a vast array of learning materials
  • ChatGPT offers a wealth of resources, including learning materials, practice exams, and educational videos. As ChatGPT has learned from countless online and offline sources, it can provide efficient learning materials by simply asking one question.
  • ChatGPT has the potential to enhance students' educational experiences based on personalized learning, interactive learning, easy accessibility, and a vast array of resources. By integrating new AI tools into the learning process, universities can more effectively meet students' needs and increase their academic achievements.


Source : How ChatGPT Can Improve Education, Not Threaten It (Scientific American, 2023.02.10.)
    ChatGPT For Students: How AI Chatbots Are Revolutionizing Education (eLearning Industry, 2023.03.01.)
    5 Ways Students Can Use ChatGPT in School (Make Use Of, 2023.02.23)